LL Archive 2016 Face - Exhibition @Gallery Different | London Life Archive | Scoop.it



In a world increasingly dominated by media imagery, the rendering of portraiture has and is continuing to change. It is no longer a statement about the portrait subject immortalising their perceived place in the world. It is much more a statement by the artist both on the art of portraiture itself, and on concepts of beauty, identity, social acceptance, self image, social and political inequality and the role of celebrity. The artists in this exhibition explore these themes and more in a range of media and genres demonstrating our continuing obsession with the ‘Face’.

Image Copyright Carne Griffiths

Carne Griffiths reviewed here http://www.eyestorm.com/Pages/Magazine.aspx/CARNE%20GRIFFITHS%20%20%20%7C%20%20%20NEW%20EXCLUSIVE%20ORIGINALS%20AND%20NEW%20PRINT%20EDITION/877

exhib runs until end of May

gallery location http://www.gallerydifferent.co.uk/map