oTranscribe -  Application gratuite de transcription | Le Top des Applications Web et Logiciels Gratuits | Scoop.it


A free HTML5 app to take the pain out of transcribing interviews. Useful for journalists, academics and anyone else transcribing audio. And it's open source, too.


A journalist (Elliot Bentley) has created a free web app to make transcription easier. Called oTranscribe, the application has an audio player and text editor which removes the need to toggle between two programmes, such as iTunes and Word, when transcribing an interview.

The browser-based app allows you to upload audio and then use keyboard shortcuts to play and pause, add time stamps, and slow down and speed up the recording. The transcription is auto-saved so if you lose internet connection or close your browser, the text is not lost.

The app supports mp3, ogg, webm and wav formats. It also has an in-built file converter.


Try it out : http://otranscribe.com/



Via Ana Cristina Pratas, Bhushan Thapliyal