New Community Curation Platform For Quality Minds To Share Quality Content: Newsana | Intelligence Web |

A Toronto-based media website Newsana is opening public beta testing today; it is a social platform for news junkies that curates the highest quality content possible, as voted on by its users.


From "FAQ" page:

"Newsana is an community of passionate people who are dedicated to finding and discussing quality news and ideas from around the world. Our members share and vote on their favourite stories which determines the Top 5 Essential Stories of the day from a variety of topics.


It’s not new to have a community based on finding and sharing news, but only Newsana creates a community for quality minds to share quality content.

This is done by:

- Filtering out the noise. We provide members with an easy guide to the Top 5 Essential Stories per topic, not a shotgun blast of information that’s impossible to keep up with.

- Elevating the conversation.

- Higher standards. We don’t have an open door policy; our members must apply and show they are passionate about making the Internet a better place.


By focusing our activity on finding Top 5 Essential Stories in any given topic, we’re bringing much-needed context, and smart conversation, to the often chaotic online news landscape.


In order to maintain that quality and make sure our community standards are upheld, we require that everyone who pitches a story is a Newsana member..."


Official Website:


"FAQ" page:


More info:


Request an invitation:


Via Giuseppe Mauriello