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Hisakata Hiroyuki, le photographe qui transforme les chats en grands maîtres d’arts martiaux

Hisakata Hiroyuki, le photographe qui transforme les chats en grands maîtres d’arts martiaux | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
Aujourd'hui, c'est vendredi, le dernier jour de la semaine et la porte vers le weekend après une semaine de boulot harassante. Afin de glisser lentement vers ce
16s3d's insight:
"Kung Fu cats"
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Photographer Shoots Dogs In Mid Air

Photographer Shoots Dogs In Mid Air | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
I've heard of flying squirrels, but flying dogs? That's preposterous!
16s3d's insight:

Quand les chiens jouent au frisbee...

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30+ Crazy Photographers Who Will Do ANYTHING For The Perfect Shot

30+ Crazy Photographers Who Will Do ANYTHING For The Perfect Shot | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
Getting the angle and perspective for a photo just right can sometimes be very tricky, but these crazy photographers don't mind – when it comes to taking the perfect shot, they will do whatever it takes. The acts of devotion to their craft that some of the world's best photographers perform can be truly outstanding.
16s3d's insight:

La fin justifie les moyens!!!

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Working Dogs: Photographer Shows Some Of The Toughest Jobs For Canines

Working Dogs: Photographer Shows Some Of The Toughest Jobs For Canines | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it

Cats might lounge around all day long and plan murder (or more lounging), but many dogs get to work. Photographer Andrew Fladeboe travelled to Norway and New Zealand to take pictures of various working dogs for his project The Shepherd’s Realm.

16s3d's insight:

Chiens au travail

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The Photo Adventures Of A Dog And His Human Traveling Around USA

The Photo Adventures Of A Dog And His Human Traveling Around USA | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
Illustrator John Stortz and his gorgeous dog Wolf travel around the most spectacular places in the USA and capture their bliss on photos. Wolf, whose full name is Wolfgang, is the main model in John’s photos - he seems to pose however the photographer wishes, as long as there are delicious cheese sticks on the line.
16s3d's insight:

Beaux paysages, beau toutou, belles photos...

...et beau photographe ;-)


Plus de photos: http://instagram.com/johnstortz

Illustrations: http://johnstortz.tumblr.com/

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Breathtaking Wildlife Photos From The 50th Annual Wildlife Photo Competition

Breathtaking Wildlife Photos From The 50th Annual Wildlife Photo Competition | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
The winners of the Wildlife Photographer Of The Year 2014 Awards held by the London Natural History Museum have been announced, showcasing the best shots of animals and nature from around the world. Don't miss out on their back stories!
16s3d's insight:

Des photos à couper le souffle, effectivement!

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Magical World Of Snails

Magical World Of Snails | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it

Macrophotograhie: Vyacheslav Mishchenko



16s3d's insight:

Escargots: Vyacheslav Mishchenko présente ici une série  exceptionnelle qui valorise son talent en macrophotographie.

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Sunny And Intimate Feline Photography by Seiji Mamiya

Talented Japanese photographer Seiji Mamiya's images are the perfect recipe for internet stardom – equal parts warm, intimate photography and lovely kitties! Since 2011, he has been taking heartwarming photographs of cats like these and posting them online. The photos don't just value the ...

16s3d's insight:

De très belles photos de chats, expressives et lumineuses.

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"Dali Atomicus" de Philippe Halsman + Jan Fabre

"Dali Atomicus" de Philippe Halsman + Jan Fabre | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
À l’occasion de l’exposition Philippe Halsman au Musée de l’Élysée, je « remonte » ce billet datant du 29 août 2009. L’exposition a lieu du 29 janvier au 11 mai 2014. Elle sera au Musée du jeu de Paume de (...)
16s3d's insight:

Je reviens sur cette histoire de lancer de chat car je crois que nous avons à faire à un artiste méconnu et incompris qui a juste voulu rendre hommage à Halsman et Dali, comme Jan Fabre avant lui: http://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/europe/l-artiste-belge-jan-fabre-lance-des-chats-et-se-fait-agresser_164245.html ;-)


Pour les esprits mal tournés ou fatigués: OUI, je fais de l'humour noir; NON, je ne cautionne pas la cruauté, encore moins envers les humains.


Et je ne crois pas une seconde que Dali, Fabre ou Halsman est blessé ou maltraité réellement un animal. Quant au protagoniste du fait divers de la semaine passée, je me suis contenté de voir passer les gros titres et d'être abasourdi par la masse de messages, posts, tweets et autres relayée par les médias...

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Les plus belles «microphotographies» de 2013

Les plus belles «microphotographies» de 2013 | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
EN IMAGES - Le concours Nikon Small World récompense chaque année les plus belles photos professionnelles ou amateurs de l'infiniment petit. L'occasion de plonger dans un monde merveilleux et fascinant.
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55 Best Bird Photos Of 2017 Are Here, And They’re Truly Incredible

55 Best Bird Photos Of 2017 Are Here, And They’re Truly Incredible | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
Since as long as there were people, our species gazed at birds, envying that freedom only the skies could provide. Now people have joined birds in the skies,
16s3d's insight:
Ces concours photo sont toujours une révélation et un enchantement
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'Dry Dog Wet Dog', An Insightful Portrait Series

'Dry Dog Wet Dog', An Insightful Portrait Series | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
Australian pet photographer Serenah Hodson has created Dry Dog Wet Dog, an insightful photo series that poses wet dogs alongside their dry selves, an effect that clearly demonstrates how the water ...
16s3d's insight:

Sec ou mouillé: ça change tout!

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Photographer Shoots Angry Lion Pic Moments Before It Attacked Him

Photographer Shoots Angry Lion Pic Moments Before It Attacked Him | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
A lion is the king of all he surveys, and he’ll protect his realm from anyone - including photographers! That’s how Atif Saeed managed to take this stunning picture of an angry lion!
16s3d's insight:

Il est pas content le kiki...

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Russian Photographer Takes Pictures Of Squirrels Going NUTS In The Snow

Russian Photographer Takes Pictures Of Squirrels Going NUTS In The Snow | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it

Squirrels are funny little critters that flit around trees like little brown flashes. Vadim Trunov, a Russian photographer, got pictures of some of these little rascals playing in the snow.

16s3d's insight:

Vadim Trunov, un photographe inspiré.


Et pas seulement par les gentils petits écureuils!

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Russian Mining Engineer Photographs Arctic Foxes During His Work Breaks

Russian Mining Engineer Photographs Arctic Foxes During His Work Breaks | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
Ivan Kislov is a Russian mining engineer who works in a remote North-Eastern Chukotka region in the Arctic Tundra. During the breaks of his long shifts at work, though, Kislov turns to his other passion for relaxation – wild animal photography. Here's a collection of his most stunning photos of wild arctic foxes.
16s3d's insight:

Magnifiques photos de renards polaires

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Breathtaking Nature Entries For The National Geographic Photo Contest 2014

Breathtaking Nature Entries For The National Geographic Photo Contest 2014 | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
The National Geographic Photo Contest – one of the greatest annual photography competitions in the world – has already begun accepting photos for all three of its major categories - Nature, Places, and People. Let’s take a look at a few of our favorite entries from around the world so far!
16s3d's insight:

Le concours photo du National Geographic reste au top!

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22 Breathtaking Wildlife Pictures Of Beautiful Foxes

22 Breathtaking Wildlife Pictures Of Beautiful Foxes | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
The fox is well-known for its overwhelming beauty, intelligence, and cunning. Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) are known best by most of us as they are the most widely spread – their habitats include forests, grasslands, mountains, and deserts. However, there are quite a few of different fox species ...
16s3d's insight:

Pour changer des chiens et des chats...

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Breathtaking Photography By Photojournalist Sebastião Salgado

Breathtaking Photography By Photojournalist Sebastião Salgado | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
Brazil-born Sebastião Salgado is probably one the most well-known photojournalist working today. He has been creating his spectacular works for almost four decades and has been awarded with many major photographic prizes. Salgado is also a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and an honorary member of ...
16s3d's insight:

Un photographe de 1er plan (sans jeu de mot): la précision des images, l'expressivité des personnes, l'impact des cadrage... Ouah!

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Portraits of Dogs Enjoying Bath

Portraits of Dogs Enjoying Bath | 16s3d: Bestioles, opinions & pétitions | Scoop.it
Sophie Gamand, a French photographer has created an awesome photo series of dogs enjoying baths. The pictures of this series is really fun to see. Photographs

Via Mark Strozier
Хомяк Лариса's curator insight, January 2, 2014 12:30 AM

Dogs are  cooler than cat thing

Alexander Abramov's curator insight, January 18, 2014 10:43 PM

Do not growl at your dog ;-)

Lorraine Elvire Wagenaar's curator insight, June 20, 2014 5:05 AM

Wat een koppie!!!!